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Table 1 Required software packages

From: MIA - A free and open source software for gray scale medical image analysis


Additional information

CMake (≥ 2.8)

C/C++ compiler

ANSI compatibility and support for some features of the C++11 standard[35, 36] are required. - GNU g++ (≥ 4.6) and clang (≥ 3.2) are known to work.

GIT (≥ 1.7)

GIT - the fast version control system to download and manage the source code.

BOOST (≥ 1.46.1)

The BOOST library


e.g. ATLAS

GSL (≥ 1.14)

The GNU Scientific Library (GSL)

Intel TBB (≥ 3.0)

Intel threading building blocks for open source

libxml++ (≥ 2.34)

The C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library libxml++ and all its dependencies,

fftw (≥ 3.0)

Fast fourier transformation