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Table 5 Resources currently defined in BCJ

From: Bioinformatics process management: information flow via a computational journal


Resource Definitions

Sequence search and alignment

SimpleBlastall, blastn, blastp, ClustalW, extractSequences

HMMER (biosequence analysis using hidden Markov models)

hmmAlign, hmmBuild, hmmCalibrate, hmmSearch, hmmit, hmmer2sam

GROMACS (a molecular dynamics package)

editconf, genbox, grompp, mdrun, pdb2gmx

GLIMMER (a system for finding genes in microbial DNA)


GrailEXP (predicts exons, genes, repeats, and CpG islands)

grailAlign, grailCPG, grailExon, grailGeneAssembly, grailRepeats

EMBOSS (The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite)

backtranseq, banana, bl2seq, btwisted, cai, chips, codcmp, coderet, compseq, cpgreport, distmat, einverted, equicktandem, fuzznuc, garnier, geecee, iep, marscan, msbar, newcoils, newcpgseek, octanol, palindrome, pepcoil, pepinfo, pepstats, primersearch, profit, prophecy, prophet, recoder, redata, shuffleseq, silent, water